Cooking Guidelines

Boned & Rolled Turkey Saddle
Remove your rolled turkey breast from the fridge and allow it to come up to room temperature before you start. If your saddle has stuffing inside, you need to allow extra time for the stuffing and for the fact that it cooks more slowly.
As a guide allow 20 minutes per 500g plus a final 20 minutes.
▶︎ Pre-heat your oven to 220C/425F/Gas Mark 7
▶︎ Oil or butter the meat and the season well all over and place in a roasting tin skin side up.
▶︎ Cover the turkey and tin completely with foil and seal well around the edges. Place into the oven and roast it for 20 minutes
▶︎Lower the oven temperature to 200C/400F/Gas Mark 6 and continue to cook the joint for the remainder of the cooking time
▶︎ Remove the foil for the last 20-30 minutes to brown the skin.
▶︎ Allow the meat to rest for at least 20 minutes before serving – cover loosely with foil
Before you serve:
Remember, even if your oven is at the right temperature, you may need extra cooking time if:
✓ you have lots of other items in the oven,
✓ you are opening and closing the oven door often, or
✓your oven is less efficient than average
That's why it's important to run the three checks to make sure your turkey is fully cooked.
✓ Are the juices running clear?
✓ Is there no pink meat left?
✓ Is the turkey piping hot all the way through?

Whole Turkey & Bone-In Turkey Crown
Remove your turkey or crown from the fridge and allow it to come up to room temperature before you start. If you cook your bird with the stuffing inside, you need to allow extra time for the stuffing and for the fact that it cooks more slowly.
As a general guide, in an oven preheated to 180C (350F, gas mark 4):
4-5kg – cook 2¼ to 2½ hours
5-6kg – cook 2½ to 3 hours
6-7kg – cook 3 hours to 3½ hours
7-8kg – cook 3½ to 4 hours
8-9kg – cook 4 to 4¼ hours
9-10kg – cook 4¼ to 4½ hours
Cover your turkey with foil during cooking but uncover it for the final 30 minutes to brown the skin. To stop the meat drying out, baste it every hour during cooking.
▶︎ Pre-heat your oven to 220C/425F/Gas Mark 7
▶︎ Oil or butter the meat and the season well all over and place in a roasting tin.
▶︎ Cover the turkey and tin completely with foil and seal well around the edges. Place into the oven and roast it for 20 minutes
▶︎ Remove the foil just under an hour before the timing is up to brown the skin.
▶︎ Allow the meat to rest for at least 20 minutes before serving – cover loosely with foil
Before you serve:
Remember, even if your oven is at the right temperature, you may need extra cooking time if:
✓ you have lots of other items in the oven,
✓ you are opening and closing the oven door often, or
✓your oven is less efficient than average
That's why it's important to run the three checks to make sure your turkey is fully cooked.
✓ Are the juices running clear?
✓ Is there no pink meat left?
✓ Is the turkey piping hot all the way through?